7 Machine Learning Questions Every Interviewer Will Ask


Image Soruce: leonardo

1. What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning lets machines learn, predict, and adapt without explicit programming.

Image Soruce: leonardo

2. What is Overfitting in ML?

Overfitting occurs when a model captures noise instead of patterns, leading to poor performance due to excessive complexity.

Image Soruce: leonardo

3. What Are the Different Types of ML?

1.Supervised Learning 2.Unsupervised Learning 3.Semi-supervised Learning 4.Reinforcement Learning

Image Soruce: leonardo

4. What Are the Key Steps in ML?

1. Collecting data 2. Filtering and analyzing data 3. Training and testing algorithms 4. Using algorithms for predictions

Image Soruce: leonardo

5. What is Linear Regression?

Linear regression models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables to predict outcomes.

Image Soruce: leonardo

6. What Are 5 Popular ML Algorithms?

1.  Decision Trees 2. Neural Networks 3. Probabilistic Networks 4. Nearest Neighbors 5. Support Vector Machines

Image Soruce: leonardo

7. What Are the Different Algorithm Techniques in ML?

1. Supervised Learning 2. Unsupervised Learning 3. Semi-supervised Learning  4. Reinforcement Learning

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