Building Your First Data Science App with Python


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1: Setting Up Your Python Environment

Install Python and essential libraries like FastAPI, Scikit-learn, and Pandas. Ensure you're using a virtual environment to manage dependencies effectively.

Image Source: ideogram

2: Loading the Wine Dataset

Use Scikit-learn's wine dataset and convert it to a Pandas DataFrame for easier manipulation. This dataset includes features and target wine classes.

Image Source: ideogram

3: Exploring the Dataset

Analyze the dataset by viewing its structure, summary statistics, and class distributions. This helps understand the data before preprocessing.

Image Source: ideogram

4: Preprocessing the Data

Split the dataset into training and test sets, then scale the features. This ensures the model performs well with normalized inputs.

Image Source: ideogram

5: Training the Logistic Regression Model

Train a Logistic Regression model using the preprocessed data. Save the trained model to a file for future use.

Image Source: ideogram

6: Evaluating the Model

Evaluate the model's performance on test data by calculating accuracy. This determines how well the model generalizes to unseen data.

Image Source: ideogram

7: Setting Up a FastAPI Application

Create a basic FastAPI app with a root endpoint. This acts as the foundation for serving predictions via HTTP requests.

Image Source: ideogram

8: Loading the Pre-trained Model

Create a basic FastAPI app with a root endpoint. This acts as the foundation for serving predictions via HTTP requests.

Image Source: ideogram

9: Creating a Prediction Endpoint

Define an endpoint to accept wine features in JSON format and return the predicted wine class. Use Pydantic to validate input data.

Image Source: ideogram

10: Testing the Application Locally

Run the FastAPI server and test the prediction endpoint with sample inputs using tools like cURL or Postman to verify functionality.